The Hungarian National Fine Arts Commission and Exhibitionary Politics: 1920-1940


Samuel D. Albert joins the CUNY REEES Kruzhok to share new research on: The Hungarian National Fine Arts Commission and Exhibitionary Politics: 1920-1940 In the interwar period, the Hungarian government aggressively pursued a policy of cultural diplomacy, of which one significant element was “representative” art exhibitions.  These exhibitions were hosted in a variety of European […]


Vicious and Virtuous Circles in the Rural Economy of East European Borderlands at the End of the 19th, Beginning of the 20th Century


Irina Marin joins the CUNY REEES Kruzhok to share new research on: Vicious and Virtuous Circles in the Rural Economy of East European Borderlands at the End of the 19th, Beginning of the 20th Century This work-in-progress paper provides a cross-border comparison between rural communities in the borderlands of Austria-Hungary, Tsarist Russia and the Balkan […]
